Saturday, June 17, 2006

Kidder, E. (Edward), 1665 or 6-1739. Receipts of pastry & cookery: for the use of his scholars.

Transcriber’s note:

This text was transcribed several years ago from the scanned images of the manuscript produced by the University of Pennsylvania. The book is bound, with only the title page printed and the remainder being handwritten, apparently by a student.

The images can be viewed at The University of Pennsylvania site.

The print version has been published as: Kidder, E. (Edward), 1665 or 6, -1739. Receipts of pastry & cookery: for the use of his scholars edited by David E. Schoonover (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, c1993).

The transcription was a small personal project, done for interest’s sake. I was not aware when I started it that there was a print version in existence, and have not seen a copy. Had I been aware of it, I almost certainly would not have made the transcription. In retrospect this may be fortunate, as I would not have learned as much as I think I did, and would not now have an easily searchable electronic text.

I have changed the long “s” into a short “s”
Where I have been unsure of the letters or words I have enclosed these in square brackets. Often this has happened at the inner fold of the book pages.
The page numbers are as in the original book.
The recipe numbers and index at the beginning of this transcription have been added to facilitate searching, use of the glossary etc (when this is done!)

NOTE: Many of these recipes are, by today’s standard, quite unsafe – even dangerous. I have commented where this is most obvious. Readers are advised to procede with caution, and at their own risk.

I would be grateful for any feedback and any suggested corrections. I can be contacted at

Pastry and Cookery
For the Use of his Scholars


Who teacheth at his School

On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays,
in the Afternoon, in St Martin’s Le

And on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays,
in the Afternoon, at his School next
to Furnival’s Inn in Holborn.

And Ladies may be taught at their own

MS Page Recipe Title
Forcd Meat Balls
1 Sweet Balls
1 Savory Balls
1 Another Way
2 A Caudle for Sweet Pyes
2 A Lear for Savory Pyes
2 A Lear for Fish Pyes
2 A Lear for Pasties
3 A Ragooe for Made Dishes
3 A Regalia of Cowcumbers
3 Sweet Spice
3 Savory Spice
All Sorts of Past
4 Puff Past
4 Past for a Pasty
4 Past for a High Pye
5 Past Royall for Patty Pans
5 Past for a Custard
5 Sweet Pies
5 A Lamb Pye
6 A Chicken Pye
6 Mincd Pyes
6 Egg Pyes
7 Another Way
7 A Lumber Pye
7 An Artichoke Pye
Savory Pyes
8 A Lamb Pye
8 Another Way
9 A Mutton Pye
9 A Kid Pye
9 A Hare Pye
9 A Hen Pye
10 A Calves Head Pye
10 A Pidgeon Pye
10 A Neats Tongue Pye
11 A Venison Pye
11 A Lambstone & Sweetbread Pye
11 A Battalia Pye
Cold Pyes
12 A Veal Pye
12 A Swan Pye
13 A Turkey Pye
Fish Pyes
13 A Carp Pye
13 A Trout Pye
14 An Eele Pye
14 A Lamprey Pye
14 An Oyster Pye
15 A Venison Pasty
15 A Beef Pasty
Florendines & Puddings
16 A Florendine of a Kidney of Veal
16 A Rice Florendine
17 A Florendine of Oranges & Aples
17 A Tourt Demoy
18 A Custard
18 An Almond Custard
19 A Marrow Pudding
19 An Almond Pudding
20 A Carrot Pudding
20 An Orange Pudding
20 A Tansie
21 A Calves Foot Pudding
22 A Quaking Pudding
22 A Plumb Cake
23 The Iceing
23 A Seed Cake
24 A Leight Seed Cake
24 Chees Cakes
25 Portugall Cakes
25 Gingerbread Cakes
25 Another Way
26 Shrewsbury Cakes
26 Wiggs
27 Strong Broth
27 Gravey
27 Plum Porrage
28 Brown Pottage Royal
29 Pease Soop
29 Green Pease Soop
30 A Crawfish Soop
30 A Bisk of Pidgeons
31 To Boyle a Leg of Mutton
31 Another Way
31 To Boyle Rabbits
32 To Boyle Pidgeons
32 To Boyle Pullets a& Oysters
32 To Boyle Fouls
Made Dishes
33 Scotcht Collops
34 Ollives of Veal
34 Pidgeon Peares
35 A Calves Head Hasht
36 A Ragooe of a Breast of Veal
36 A Ragooe of Sweetbreads
37 Chickens forcd with Oysters
37 Bombarded Veal
39 A Brown Frigasee of Chicken & Rabbits
39 A White Frigasee of the Same
39 A Frigasee of Lamb
40 Pidgeons in Surtout
40 Cutlets Alamaintenoy
41 To Roast an Hare
41 To Roast it with the skin on
42 Pullets Ala Cream
42 Portugall Beef
43 A Leg of Mutton Ala Daub
43 A Leg of Mutton Ala Royal
44 A Leg of Mutton Forcd
44 Oyster Loves
45 To Roul a Breast of Mutton
45 Beef Alamode
46 Veal Alamode
46 A Ponpetone
47 Sausages
47 Polonia Sausages
To Dress Fish
48 To Boyle a Codds Head
48 To Butter Lobsters
49 To Stew Carps
50 To Roast a Pike
51 To Pott Beef
51 To Pott Pidgeons
52 To Collar Beef
53 To Collar Veal
53 To Collar a Pigg
54 To Collar Eeles
54 To Collar Pork
55 To Pickle Mellons or Large Cowcumbers
56 To Pickle Gherkins
56 To Pickle French Beans
56 To Pickle Walnuts
57 To Pickle Mushrooms
57 To Pickle Beetroot & Turnip
58 To Pickle Red Cabbatch
58 To Pickle Flowers
58 To Pickle Onions
58 To Pickle Barberries
58 To Pickle Smelts
59 To Pickle Oysters
59 To Pickle Pidgeons
59 To Pickle Tongues
60 To Salt Hams & Tongues
61 Hart Horn Jelley
61 Calves Foot Jelley
62 Ribbon Jelley
62 To Run Colours
62 Blamangoes
63 A Whipt Syllabub
63 A Sack Posset
64 Chocolate Cream
64 Lemon Cream
65 Orange Butter
65 To Codle Codlings
66 To Bottle Gooseberries
The Order
67 First Dishes
67 Bottom Dishes
68 Side Dishes
68 For the Midle
69 Second Course
69 Plates
70 Index
71 Partial Recipe, different handwriting

Page 1
Forcd Meat Balls

1. Sweet Balls
Take part of a leg of lamb or veal & min[ce]
it small wth ye same quantity of beef sue[t]
put thereto a good quantity of currants
season it wth sweet spice a little lemon
piele 3 or 4 yolks of eggs & a few sweet
herbs mix it well together & make it into b[alls]

2. Savory Balls
Take part of a leg of lamb or veal & minc[e]
it small wth ye same quantity of beef suet
a little lean bacon sweet herbs a shallot
& an anchovy beat it in a mortar till
tis as smooth as wax season it wth
savory spice & make it in to little balls

3. Another Way
Take ye flesh of a foul beef suet & marro[w]
ye same quantity 6 or 8 oysters lean
bacon sweetherbs & make it into little ba[lls]

Page 2

4. A Caudle for Sweet Pyes
Take sack & white wine alike in quantity
a little verjuice & sugar boyle it & brew
it wth 2 or 3 eggs as butterd ale wn ye pyes
are bakd pour it in at ye funnell & shake
it together

5. A Lear for Savory Pyes
Take clarret gravy savory spice oyster
liquor 2 or 3 anchovys a faggot of sweet
herbs & an onion boyle it up & thicken
it wth brown butter yn pour it into yor
savory pyes wn cald for

6. A Lear for fish Pyes
Take clarret white wine & vineger oyster
liquor anchovys & drawn butter wn ye pyes
are bakd pour it in at ye funnell

7. A Lear for Pasties
Season ye bones of that meat you make
yor pasty off cover ym wth water & bake
ym wth ye pasty yn strain ye liquor out into
ye pasty


8 A Ragooe for Made Dishes
Take clarret gravy sweetherbs & savory
spice toss up in it lambstones cockscombs
boyld blanchd & slicd wth slicd sweetbreads
oysters mushrooms truffells & murrells
thicken these wth brown butter & use it wn cald[for]

9. A Regalia of Cowcumbers
Take 12 cowcumbers & slice ym as for
eating put ym in a cource cloth beat
& squeese ym very dry flower & fry ym
brown yn put to ym clarret gravy
savory spice & a bitt of butter rould
up in flower toss ym up thick they are
sauce for mutton or lamb

10. Sweet spice is Cloves Mace nutmeg cinnamon sugar & salt

11. Savory spice is Pepper salt cloves mace & nutmeg

All Sorts of Past

12. Puff Past
Lay down a pd of flower & break into it
2 ounces of butter& 2 eggs yn make it into
past wth cold water yn work ye other part
of ye pd of butter to ye stiffness of yor past
yn roul out yor past into a square piece
stick it all over wth bits of butter flower
it & roul it up like a collar double it
up at both ends that they meet in ye midle
roul it out again as aforesaid till all
ye pd of butter is in

13. Past for a Pasty
Lay down a peck of flower work it up
wth 6 pd of butter & 4 eggs wth cold water.

14. Past for a high Pye
Lay down a peck of flower work it up
wth 3 pd of butter melted in a sauce
pan of boyling water & make it into a
stiff past.


15. Past Royall for Patty Pans
Lay down a pd of flower work it up wth
½ a pd of butter 2 ounces of fine sugar & 4 eggs

16. Past for a Custard
Lay down flower & make it into a stiff
past wth boyling water sprinkle it wth a
little cold water to keep it from cracking

Sweet Pyes

17. A Lamb Pye
Cut an hind quarter of lamb into thin
slices season it wth sweet spice & lay ym
in ye pye mixt wth ½ a pd of currants ½
a pd of raisons of ye sun stond 2 or 3
spannish pottatoes boyld blanchd & sliced
or an artichoke bottome or 2 wth prunnelas
damsons gooseberries & grapes citron lemon
chips & oringoe roots. lay on butter & close
ye pye wn’ tis bakd make for it a caudle

18. A Chicken Pye
Take 6 small chickens roul up a piece
of butter in sweet spice & put it into ym
yn season & lay ym in ye pye wn ye marrow
of 2 bones rould up in ye batter of eggs
wth preserves of fruit & preserves as ye lamb
pye wth a caudle

19. Mincd Pyes
Shred a pd of neats tongue perboyld wth 2
pd of beef suet 2 pippins a green lemon
piele season it wth an ounce of sweet spice
a pd of sugar 2 pd of currants ½ a ­ pt of
currants; sack a little orange flower
water ye juice of 3 lemons a quarter of
a pd of sliced citron & lemon piele mix
these together & fill yor pyes

20. Egg Pyes
Shred ye yolks of 20 hard eggs wth ye same
weight of marrow & beef suet season
it wth sweet spice wth citron & lemon piele
fill & close ye pyes


21. Another Way
Shred ye yolks of 20 hard eggs wth cittro[n]
& lemon piele season ym wth sweet spic[e]
& mix ym wth a qt of custard stuff
ready made gather it into a body over ye fier
yor pyes being dryd in oven fill ym
wth this batter as custards wn they are
bakd stick ym wth slicd citron strew ym wth
colourd biskets.

Note: These “pies dried in the oven” would have been made from a hard flour and water dough, not intended to be eaten, as in Recipe 16.

22. A Lumber Pye
Take a pd & ½ of a fillet of veal & mince
it wth ye same quantity of beef suet
season it wth sweet spice 5 pippens an
handfull of spinnage & an handfull
of spinnage & an hard lettuce thyme &
parsely mix it a penny grated white
loaf being ye yolks of 2 or 3 eggs sack &
orange flower water a pd & ½ of currants
wth preserves as ye lamb pye & a caudle
An humble pye is made ye same way.

23. An Artichoke Pye

Take ye bottomes of 6 or 8 artichokes
being boyld & sliced season ym wth sweet
spice mix ym wth ye marrow of 3 bones
wth citron & lemon piele oringoe roots
damsons gooseberries & graps citron lemon
butter & close ye pye : A Skarrot or a Potatoe pye is made ye same way.

Savory Pyes

24. A Lamb Pye
Cut an hind quarter of lamb into
thin slices season it wth savory spice &
lay ym in ye pye wth an hard lettuce &
artichoke bottoms ye top of an hundred
of asparragus lay on butter & close ye
pye wn tis bakd & half col pour in a

25. Another Way
Season yor lamb steaks wth savory spice
lay wth in ye pye wth slicd lambstones &
sweetbread savory balls & oysters lay on
butter and close ye pye A Lear


26. A Mutton Pye
Season yor mutton steaks wth savory sp[ice]
fill ye pye lay on butter & close ye pye
wn tis bakd toss up an handfull of
chopt capers cowcumbers & oysters in
gravy anchovys & drawn butter

27. A Kid Pye
Cut yor kid in pieces lard it wth bacon &
season it wth savory spice lay on butter
& close ye pye wn tis bakd take a qt of
large oysters dry ym in a cloth & fry ym
brown toss ym up in ½ a pt of whitewine
oyster liquor gravy & barberries thick[en]
it wth eggs & drawn butter cut up ye lid [&]
pour it into ye pye

28. A Hare Pye
Cut it in pieces break ye bones season &
lay it in ye pye wth balls slicd lemon butter &
close ye pye

29. A Hen Pye

Cut it in pieces season & lay it in ye
pye lay on balls yolks of hard eggs
sliced lemon butter and close ye pye
wn tis bakd pour in a lear thickend wth eggs
A chicken or a capon pye is made ye same way

30. A calves head Pye
Almost boyle ye calves head take out
ye bones cut it in thin slices & season it
wth savory spice & mix it wth slicd sweet
breads shiverd pallats cockscombs
oysters mushrooms & balls lay on butter
& close ye pye A Lear

31. A Pidgeon Pye.
Truss and season yor pidgeons wth savory
spice lard ym wth bacon & season stuff ym
wth forcd meat lay on lambstones &
sweetbreads butter & close – pye a lear
A chicken or a capon pye is thus made

32. A Neats Tongue Pye
Half boyle yor tongues blanch and slice
ym season ym wth savory spice wth balls

Sliced lemon butter & close ye pye wn
tis bakd take a pt of gravy sweetbre[ads]
pallats & cocks combs tossd up & pour
into ye pye

33. A venison Pye
Raise an high round pye yn shred a pd
of beef suet & put it in ye bottome yn
cut yor venison in pieces & season it wth
pepper & salt & lay it on ye suet lay on
butter & close ye pye & bake it 6 hours

34. A Lambstone and Sweetbread Pye
Boyle blanch & slice ym season ym wth
savory spice lay ym in ye pye wth slicd
artichoke bottoms lay on butter &
close ye pye A Lear

35. A Battalia Pye
Take 4 small chickens 4 squab pidgeons
4 suckling rabbits cut ym in pieces and sea[son]
ym wth savory spice & lay ym in ye pye wth
4 sweetbreads slicd & as many sheeps tongues
2 shiverd pallats 2 pair of lambstons [20]


Or 30 cocks combs wth savory balls &
oysters lay on butter & close ye pye
wn tis bakd; & half cold fill it up wth
pour in a Lear

Cold Pyes

36. A veal Pye
Raise an high round pye yn cut a
fillet of veal in to 3 or 4 fillets season
it wth savory spice a little mincd sage
& sweet herbs lay it in ye pye wth slices
of bacon at ye bottome & betwixt each
piece lay on butter & close ye pye wn
tis bakd & half cold fill it up wth
clarrifide butter

37. A Swan Pye
Skin and bone yor swan an lard it wth bacon
& season ym wth savory spice & a few
bay leaves powdered lay it in ye pye
stick it wth cloves lay on butter & close
ye pye wn tis bakd & half cold fill it up wth
clarrifide butter


38. A Turkey Pye
Bone yor turkey season it wth savory
spice & lay it in ye pye wth 2 capons or
2 wild ducks cut in pieces to fill up
ye corners wn tis bakd & half cold fill
it up wth clarrifide butter
A Goose pye is made ye same way wth 2 rabb[its]

Fish Pyes

39. A Carp Pye
Bleed yor carp at ye tail open ye belley
Draw & wash out ye blood a little clarr[et]
vinegar & salt yn season yor carp wth savory
spice & shred sweet herbs lay on butter &
close ye pye wn tis bakd put into ye lear
ye blood & clarret & pour ^it into ye pye

40. A Trout Pye

Cut wash & scale ym lard ym wth pieces
of a silver Eele rould in sweetherbs &
spice & bay leaves powdered lay on & bet[ween]

Them slicd artichoke bottoms mushrooms
oysters capers dicd lemon lay on
butter & close ye pye

41. An Eele Pye
Cut wash & season ym wth sweet spice
an handfull of currants butter &
close ye pye

42. A Lamprey Pye
Cut wash & season ym wth sweet spice
& lay ym in ye pye wth dicd lemon citron
butter & close ye pye

43. An Oyster Pye
Perboyle a qt of large oysters in
their own liquor mince ym small&
pound ym in a mortar wth pistastia nuts
marrow & sweetherbs an onion & savory
spice & a little grated bread or season
ym as aforesaid whole lay on butter &
close ye pye


44. A venison Pasty
Bone a side or haunch of venison cu[t]
it square & season it wth pepper & salt
make it up in yor aforesaid pasty pas[t]
a peck of flower for a buck pasty & 3
quarters for a doe 2 pd of beef suet at ye
bottome of yor buck pasty & a pd & ½ for
a doe
A Lamb pasty is made as ye doe

45. A Beef Pasty
Is cut out & seasond over night wth pepp[er]
salt a little red wine & cutchenele yn
made up as ye buck pasty
To each of these Pasties
pour in a Lear

Florendines & Puddings

46. A Florendine of a kidney of ^veal
Shred ye kidney fatt & all wth a little
spinnage parsley & lettuce 3 pippens
& orang piele season it wth sweet spice
& sugar a good handfull of currants
2 or 3 grated biskets sack & orang flower
water 2 or 3 eggs mix it into a body &
put it in a dish coverd wth puff past lay
on a cut lid & garnish ye brim of ye dish

47. A Rice Florendine
Boyle ½ a pd of rice tender in fair
Water yn put to it a qt of milk boyle it
Thick & season it wth sweet spice & sugar
Mix it wth 8 eggs well beat ½ a pd of
Currants ye marrow of 2 bones put
to it 3 grated biskets sack & orange
flower water put it in a dish being
coverd wth puff past & garnish ye brim

48. A Florendine of oranges &
Cut 6 sivill oranges in halfs save
ye juice pull out ye pulp & lay ym in
water 24 hours shiffting ym 3 or 4 tim[es]
yn boyle ym in 3 or 4 waters in ye 4 wa[ter]
put to ym a pd of fine sugar & their
juice boyle ym to a surrup & keep ym
in this surrup in an Earthen pott wn
you use ym cut ym in thin slices
Two of these oranges wi[ll]
make a florendine mixt wth ten pippen[s]
peard quartered & boyld up in water &
sugar lay ym in a dish being coverd wth
puff past lay on a cut lid & garnish
ye brim - - - -

49. A Tourt Demoy
Beat ½ a pd of blanchd almonds in [a]
mortar wth a quarter of a pd of citro[n]
ye white of a capon 4 grated bisket[s]
sweet spice& sugar sack & orange flo[wer]

Water yn mix it wth a pt of cream &
7 eggs being well beat bring all
these ingredients to a body over
ye fier & having a dish coverd wth
puff past lay part of it into ye bottom
yn put in ye marrow of 2 bones in
pieces sqeese on it ye juice of a lemon
& lay on ye other part of ye ingredients
yn cover it wth a cut lid

50. A Custard
Boyle a qt of cream or milk wth a stick
of cinnamon a quartered nutmeg & large
mace wn half cold mix wth it 8 yolks of
eggs & 4 whites well beat sugar sack & orange
flower water set it on ye fier & stirr it till
a white froth ariseth scum it off yn fill
yor custard being dryd in ye oven

51. An Almond Custard
Blanch & beat ym in a mortar very
fine in ye beating ad thereto a little
milk press it thro’ a sive & make it as


52. A Marrow Pudding
Boyle a qt of cream or milk wth a stick [of]
cinnamon a quartered nutmeg & large ma[ce]
yn mix it wth 8 eggs well beat a little
salt sugar sack and orang flower water
strain it yn put to it 3 grated biskets
an handfull of currants as many raisons
of ye sun ye marrow of 2 bones all to 4 larg[e]
pieces yn gather it to a body over ye fier
& put it in a dish having ye brim therof
garnishd wth puff past& raisd in oven
yn lay on ye 4 pieces of marrow colourd
knots & pasts slicd citron & lemon piele ½ an hour
will bake

53. An Almond Pudding
Take ½ a pd of jordan almonds blanch & [pound]
ym in a mortar wth a quarter of a pd of pist[astia]
nuts 4 grated biskets 3 quarters of a pd of
butter sack and orange flower water & mix
it wth a qt of cream being boyld & mixt wth
8 eggs sweet spice & sugar pour it into ye
dish being coverd & garnished wth puff past
& garnish ye brim


54. A Carrot Pudding
Boyle 2 large carrots wn cold pound ym
in a mortar & strain ym thro’ a sive mix
ym wth 2 grated biskets ½ a pd of butter
sack & orange flower water sugar & a
little salt a pt of cream mixt wth 4 yolks
of eggs & 2 whites beat these together &
put ym in a dish being coverd wth puff
past & garnish ye brim

55. An orange Pudding
Take ye pieles of 2 sivill oranges
boyld up as for a florendine of oranges
& aples pound & season ym as ye carrots

56. A Tansie
Boyle a qt of cream or milk wth a stick
of cinnamon a quartered nutmeg & large
mace wn half cold mix it wth 20 yolks
of eggs & 10 whites strain it yn put to it
4 grated biskets ½ a pd of butter a pt
of spinnage juice & a little tansie sack
and orange flower water sugar & a little
salt gather it into a body over ye fier &

Pour it in to yor dish being well butt[ered]
wn tis bakd turn it on a pye plate sque[ese]
on it an orange grate on sugar garn[ish]
it wth slicd orange & a little tansie made
in a plate cut as you please

57. A Calves foot Pudding
Take 2 calves feet shred ym very fine
& mix ym wth a penny grated white
loaf being scalded wth a pt of cream
put to it a ½ a pd of shred beef suet & 8
eggs an handfull of plumpt currants
season it wth sweet spice & sugar a little
sack & orange flower water ye marrow
of 2 bones put it in a veal caul being
washd over wth ye batter of eggs wth wett
a cloth & put it therein tye it up close wn
ye pott boyls put it in boyle it about
2 hours yn turn it in a dish stick on it
slicd almonds & citron yn pour on it
sack lemon juice sugar & drawn butter


58. A quaking Pudding
Take a qt of cream & beat 3 or 4 spoon
fulls wth 2 or 3 spoonfulls of flower
of rice a penny grated white loaf & 7
eggs put to it orange flower water
sugar & sweet spices butter ye cloth &
tye it up but not too close wn ye pott
boyles put it in boyle it an hour yn
put it in a dish stick it wth slicd citron
let ye sauce be sack & orange flower
water wth lemon juice sugar & drawn butter


59. A Plumb Cake
Take 6 pd of currants 4 pd of flower an
ounce of cloves & mace a little cinnamon
½ an ounce of nutmegs ½ a pd of pounded
and blanchd amonds ½ a pd of sugar 3
quarters of a pd of sliced citron lemon
& orange piele ½ a pt of sack a little
hony water a qt of good ale yest a qt of

Cream & a pd and a half of butter milt[ed]
therein mix it well together on abo[ard]
lay it before ye fier to rise yn work it
up smooth put it in an hoop wth a paper
flowerd at ye bottome

60. The Iceing
Beat & sift a pd of double refined sugar
& put to it ye whites of 4 eggs put in
but one at a time beat ym in a bason
wth a silver spoon till tis very leight & whit[e]

61. A Seed Cake
Take 2 pd of smooth carraways 6 pd of
flower ½ a pd of sugar an ounce of spice
yn make an hole in ye flower & put in
a pt of yest & 8 eggs well beat ½ a
pt of sack a little orange flower water
a pt of milk & 2 pd of butter warmd
together yn strew a little flower there[on]
let it lye to rise yn put it in an hoop
& strew over it double refined sugar & rough

62. A Leight Seed Cake
Take ½ a quartern of flower a little
ginger nutmeg 3 spoonfulls of ale
yest & 3 eggs well beat 3 quarter of a
pt of milk ½ a pd of butter & 6 ounces
of smooth carraways work it in warm
together wth yor hands

63. Chees Cakes
Boyle a qt of cream or milk wth 8
eggs well beat stir it till tis a curd
yn strain it & mix it wth ye curd of 3 qts
of milk 3 quarters of a pd of fresh butter
2 grated biskets 2 ounces of blanchd
almonds pounded wth a little sack & orang
flower water ½ a pd of currants & 7 eggs
spice & sugar beat it up wth a little cream
till tis very light yn fill up yor chees cakes

You may make chees cakes ye same
way wth ye curd of a gallon of milk
with out ye egg curd

64. Portugall Cakes
Put a pd of fine sugar & a pd of fresh
butter 5 eggs & a little beaten mace
into a flatt pan beat it up wth yor
hands till tis very leight & looks
curdling yn put thereto a pd of flower
½ a pd of currants very clean pickt &
dryd beat yn together fill yor hart pan
& bake ym in a slack oven
You may make seed cakes ye same way
only put carraway seeds instead of currants

65. Gingerbread Cakes
Take 3 pd of flower a pd of sugar a
pd of butter rubbed very fine an ounce of
ginger & a grated nutmeg mix it wth a
pd of treacle & a quarter of a pt of cream
warmd together yn make up yor bread
stiff roul ym out cut ym in little cakes
bake ym in a slack oven

66. Another Way

Take a quartern of flower 2 pd and 3
quarters of treacle & ½ a pd of butter
warmd together an ounce of ginger ½ an
ounce of carraway & coriander seeds
bruisd make it into large cakes put in
to either of ym what sweetmeat you
please wn they are bakd dip ym in boyling
water to glase ym

67. Shewsbury Cakes
Take a pd of fresh butter a pd of double
refind sugar sifted fine a little beaten
mace & 4 eggs beat ym all together wth
yor hands till tis very leight & looks
curdling yn put thereto a pd & ½ of
flower roul ym out into little cakes

68. Wiggs
Take a quartern of flower ½ a pd of sugar
an handfull of carraway seeds yn put
into ye midle of ye flower ½ a pt of yest
wth a pd & ½ of butter melted in a pt of
milk & pourd to ye yest stirring it
wth yor hands strew flower let it lye to
rise yn makeup yor wiggs


69. Strong Broth
Take 3 or 4 gallons of water put to it [a]
leg of shin of beef cut into 5 or 6 pie[ces]
boyle it 12 hours now & then stirr it wth
a stick & cover it close wn tis boyld strain
& coole it let it stand till twill jelley
yn take ye fatt from ye top & ye dross from
ye bottome

70. Gravey
Cut a pices of beef into thin slices & fry
ym brown in a stew pan wth 2 or 3 onions
2 or 3 lean slices of bacon yn pour to [it]
a ladle or 2 of stong broth rubbing
ye brown off from ye pan very clear &
ad to it more strong broth clarret
white wine anchovys a faggot of swe[et]
herbs season it and let it stew very well
yn strain it off

71. Plum Porrage

Take 2 gallons of strong broth put
to it 2 pd of currants 2 pd of raisons of ye
sun ½ an ounce of sweet spice a pd of
sugar a quart of sack clarret a pt of
sack ye juice of 3 oranges & 3 lemons
thicken it wth grated biskets wth a pd of

72. Brown Pottage Royall
Set a gallon of strong broth on ye fier wth
2 shiverd pallats cocks combs lambstones
slicd wth savory balls a pt of gravy 2
handfulls of spinnage parsley & ^ young lettuce
mincd boyle these together wth a duck ye
leg and wing bones being broak & pulled
out & ye breast sloshed & brownd in a pan
of fatt yn put to it 2 french rouls slicd
& dryd hard & brown put ye pottage in
a dish & ye duck in ye middle lay
about it a little vermachelly boyld
up wth a little strong broth savory
balls & sweet breads garnish it wth
scalded parsley turnip beetroot & barberries

73. Pease Soop
Boyle a qt of good seed pease tender
& thick strain & wash it thro’ wth a pt of
milk yn put thereto a pt of strong bro[th]
boyld wth balls a little spiremint & a
dryd french roul season it wth pepper &
salt cut a turnip in dice fry it an put it [in]

74. Green Peas Soop
Wipe yor pescods sheal & scald ye shells
strain & pound ye shells ym in a mortar
wth scalded parsley young onions & a little
mint yn soak a french roul boyle these
together in clear mutton broth a faggot
of sweet herbs seasond wth pepper salt
& nutmeg yn strain it thro’ a culender
put ye pottage in a dish & put in ye
midle a forcd fowl chicken or rabbit
garnish it wth scalded parsely & cab[bage]

75. Crawfish Soop
Cleanse yor crawfish boyle ym in water
salt & spice pull off their feet & tails
& fry ym break ye rest of ym in a stone
mortar season ym wth savory spice & an
onion hard eggs grated bread & sweet
herbs boyld in strong broth strain it
& put to it scalded chopt parsley & french
rouls yn put them therein wth a few dryd
mushrooms garnish ye dish wth slicd
lemon & ye feet & tails of ye crawfish

76. A Bisk of Pidgeons
Yor pigeons being clean washd & perboyld
put ym into strong broth & stew ym yn
make for ym a ragoo wth gravy artichoke
bottoms pottatoes & onions savory spice
lemon juice & dicd lemon & bacon cut as
for larding wth mushrooms truffels &
pour ye broth into ye dish having dryd
carved sippets yn place yor pigeons &
pour on ye ragooe wth ½ a pt of hott cream
garnish it wth scalded parsley beetroot & lemon

77. To Boyle a Leg of Mutton
Boyle yor mutton in water & salt as us[ual]
for sauce toss up a lttle strong bro[th]
gravy pickled cowcumbers & samphir shred[ded]
a dicd lemon white wine salt & nutmeg gra[ted]
bread thicken it wth eggs and a little but[ter]
roul up in flower

78. Another Way
Lard yor mutton wth lemon piele & beetro[ot]
boyle it as usuall let ye sauce be strong
broth white wine gravy oysters anchovys
& onions a faggot of sweetherbs savory sp[ice]
& a piece of buttter rould up in flower

79. To Boyle Rabbits
Truss ym for boyling & lard ym wth bacon
yn boyle ym quick & white for ye sauce
take ye boyld liver shred it wth fatt
bacon toss these up together in strong
broth white wine & vinegar mace sal[t]
nutmeg set parsley mincd ; barberries &

Drawn butter lay yor rabbits in a
dish pour ye lear all over ym & garsh
ym wth slicd lemon & barberries

80. To Boyle Pidgeons
Stuff yor pidgeons wth sweet herbs chopt
bacon a little grated bread butter &
spice ye yolk of an egg yn boyle ym as
aforesaid & garnish it wth slicd lemon & barberries

81. To Boyle Pullets & oysters
Boyle ym in water & salt wth a good piece
of bacon for sauce draw up a pd of
butter wth a little white wine strong broth
& a qt of oysters yn put yor 3 pullets in
a dish cut ye bacon & lay about ym wth
a pd & ½ of fryd sausages & garnish it wth
slicd lemon

82. To Boyle Fowls
Boyle ym as usuall for ye sauce toss
up sweetbreads artichoke bottoms
lambstons cocks combs & hard eggs
all slicd in strong broth & white
wine wth pistastia nuts asparagus

Tops & spice thicken it wth a bitt of
butter rould up in flower & garnish
it wth slicd lemon

Made Dishes

83. Scotcht Collops
Take ye skin from a fillet of veal & cut
it into thin collops hack & scotch ym wth ye
back of a knife lard half of ym wth bacon
fry ym wth a little brown butter yn
take ym out and put ym into another tossing
pan yn set ye pan they were fryd in
over ye fier again wash it out wth
a little strong broth rubbing it wth
yor ladle yn pour it to ye collops do
this to every panfull till all are
fryd yn stew & toss ym up wth a pt of
oysters 2 anchovys 2 shiverd pallats
cockcombs lambstones & savory balls
slicd sweetbreads onions a faggot of sweet
herbs thicken it wth brown butter & garnish
it wth slicd orange & lemon

PAGE 34.

84. Ollives of veal
Take 8 or 10 scotcht collops wash ym over
wth ye batter of eggs yn season & lay
over ym a little forcd meat roul ym
up & roast ym yn make for ym a ragooe
as ye collops & garnish ym wth slicd orang

85. Pidgeon Peares
Bone yor pidgeons all but one leg
& put that thro’ ye side out at ye ven[t]
cut off ye toes & fill ym wth forcd meat made
of ye hart & liver & cover ym wth a tender
forcd meat being washd over wth ye batter
of eggs & shape ym like peares yn wash
ym over & roul ym in scalded chopt
parsley spinnage cover ym wth thin
slices of bacon & put ym in bladers
boyle ym an hour & ½ yn take ym out
of ye bladers lay ym before ye fier ½
an hour yn make for ym a ragooe
& garnish ym with slicd lemon - -

86. A Calves head Hasht
Yor calves head being slitt & cleansd
half boyld & cold cut one side into thin
slices & fry it in a pan of brown butter
yn having a toss pan on ye stove wth a
pt of gravy as much strong broth wth
quarter of a pt of clarret as much
white wine & an handfull of savory
balls 2 or 3 shiverd pallats a pt of
oysters cocks combs lambstones & sweet
breads boyld blanchd & slicd wth mushrooms
truffels & murrells 2 or 3 anchovys
as many shallots & a faggot of sweetherbs
tossed up & stewd together season it wth
savory spice yn scotch ye other side
cross & cross flower bast & boyle it
The hash being thickened wth brown
butter put it in ye dish lay over & above
it fryd balls and ye tongue slicd & larded
wth bacon lemon piele & beetroot yn fry
in ye batter of eggs slicd sweetbreads carvd
sippets & oysters lay in ye head & place

These on & about ye dish & garnish it
wth slicd orange & lemon

87. A Ragooe of a breast of veal
Bone a breast of veal cut an handsom
square piece yn cut ye other part into
small pieces brown it in butter yn stew
& toss it up in a pt of gravy a little
clarret white wine & strong broth an
onion 2 or 3 anchovys cocks combs
lambstones & sweetbreads blanchd &
slicd wth savory balls oysters truffells
& murrells & mushrooms savory spice
& lemon juice yn toss it up thicken it
wth brown butter put ye ragooe in ye dish
lay on ye square piece dicd lemon
sweetbreads sippets & bacon fryd in
ye batter of eggs & garnish it wth slicd

88. A Ragooe of Sweet breads
Set lard & force ye sweetbreads wth
mushrooms truffells ye tender ends
of pallates cocks combs boyld tender
beat it in a mortar mixt wth fine

Herbs & spice a little grated bread &
an egg or 2 yn fry ym thus forcd & toss
ym up in gravy clarret white wine wth
cocks combs & mushrooms spice & oyst[ers]
a dicd lemon thicken it wth brown butt[er]
& garnish it wth slicd lemon & barberries

89. Chickens forcd wth Oysters
Lard & truss ym make a forcing of oyster[s]
sweetbreads parsley truffells mushroom[s]
& onions chop these together & season
it mix it wth a piece of butter ye yolk of
an egg tye ym at both ends & roast ym
yn make for ym a ragooe & garnish it
wth slicd lemon

90. Bombarded veal
Take a fillet of veal & cut out of it 5
lean pieces as thick as yor hand [roul]
ym up a little lard ym very thick
on ye slashd side of round side lard
5 sheeps tongues being boyld & blanchd

Make a well seasond forcd meat wth
veal lean bacon beef suet & an anchovy
roul it up into a ball being well
beat yn make another tender forcd meat
wth veal fatt bacon beef suet mushrooms
spinnage parsley thyme sweet
marjoram winter savory and green
onions season & beat it yn put yor
forcd ball into part of this forcd
meat put it in a veal caul & bake
it in a lttle pott yn roul up that
which is left in another veal wett
wth ye batter of eggs roul it up like
a polonia sausage tye it at both ends
& slightly round & boyle it - - -
Yor forcd ball being bakd put it
in ye midle of ye dish lay over & about
it fryd balls & ye tongues fryd brown
between each yn pour on ym a ragooe
lay about it ye other forcd meat cut
as thin as an half crown & fryd in
ye batter of eggs & squeese on it an
orange & garnish it wth slicd orange &


91. A Brown Frigasee of Chicken
and Rabbits
Cut ymin pieces & fry ym in brown butter
having ready hott a pt of gravy a little
clarret white wine & strong broth 2
anchovys 2 shiverd pallates a faggot of
sweet herbs savory balls & spice thicken
it wth brown butter & squeese on it a lemon

92. A White Frigasee of ye Same
Cut ym in pieces wash ym from ye blood
fry ym on a soft fier & put ym in a tossing
pan wth a little strong broth season ym &
toss ym up wn almost enough put to ym a
pt of cream mushrooms & oysters thicken
it wth a bitt of butter rould up in flower

93. A Frigasee of Lamb
Cut an hind quarter of lamb into thin
slices & season it wth savory spice &
shred sweetherbs & a shallot & fry ym yn

Fry ym thus forcd & toss ym up in strong
broth & white wine oysters balls & pallets
a little brown butter or an egg or 2 to
thicken it or a bitt of butter rould up in
flower garnish it wth slicd lemon

94. Pidgeons in Surtout
Cleanse yor pidgeons yn make a forcing
for ym tye a large scotcht collop on ye
breast of each spitt & cover ym wth paper
& roast ym yn make for ym a ragooe &
garnish ym wth slicd orange - -

95. Cutlets Alamaintenoy
Season yor cutlets of mutton wth savory
spice & shred sweetherbs yn dip 2 scotched
collops on ye batter of eggs & clap on
each side of each cutlet & yn a rasher
of bacon on each side broyle ym or
bring ym off in ye oven wn they are
dresst take of ye bacon & send up yor
collops & cutlets wrapt in clean white
paper as letters or you may leave ym
out & send ym up in a ragooe & garsh it wth slicd lemon
& orange


96. To Roast an Hare
Set & lard it wth bacon make for it a
pudding of grated bread ye hart & liver
being perboyld & chopt small wth beef
suet & sweet herbs mixt wth marrow cream
spice & eggs yn sow up his belley &
roast him wn tis roasted let yor butter
be drawn up wth cream gravy or clarret

97. To Roast it wth the Skin on
Make ye puddinng as aforesaid sow up
his belley & thurst yor hand round
him between his skin & his body &
rub over his flesh wth butter & spice
& sow up his belley and thurst yor hand
round him between his skin & his body
& rub over his flesh wth butter & spice
& sow up ye his ye hole of ye skin &
roast him basting of him wth boyling
water & salt till tis above half roast
yn let him dry & ye skin smoak pull it

By pieces yn bast him wth butter dradg
him wth flower bread & spice sauce him
as aforesaid & garnish it wth slicd lemon

98. Pullets Ala Cream
Lard & force yor pullets of their own
flesh boyled ham mushrooms sweetbreads
oysters anchovys grated bread ye yolk
of an egg a little cream spice & herbs
roast ym yn pour on ym a fine white
ragooe of mushrooms oysters sweet
breads cocks combs trufflees murrells
& cream thickend wth eggs - - -

99. Portugall Beef
Brown ye thin of a rump of beef in a
pan of brown butter & force ye lean
of it wth suet bacon boyld cheesnuts
anchovys savory spice & an onion
stew it in a pan of strong broth till
tis very tender yn make for it a ragooe
wth gravy pickled cowcumbers boyld
cheesnuts thicken it wth brown butter
& garnish it wth slicd lemon


100. A Leg of Mutton Ala Daub
Lard yor meat wth bacon half roast
it draw it off ye spitt & put it in as
small a pott as will boyle it putt to
it a qt of white wine strong broth a [pt]
of vineger whole spice bay leaves
sweet marjoram winter savory & green
onions wn ye meat is ready make sauce
wth some of ye liquor mushrooms dicd
lemon 2 or 3 anchovys thicken it wth
brown butter & garnish it wth slicd lemon

101. A Leg of Mutton Ala Royal[l]
Lard yor mutton & slices of veal wth bacon
rould up in spice & sweetherbs yn bring
ym to a brown in milted lard boyle [ye ]
leg in strong broth all sorts of sweet
herbs an onion stuck wth cloves wn [tis]
ready lay it in a dish lay round it ye
collops yn pour on a ragooe & garnish
it wth slicd orange & lemon


102. A Leg of Mutton Forcd
Take ye meat out of ye leg close to ye
skin & bone mince it wth a pd of beef
suet & a good quantitiy of thyme parsley
& onions beat it in a mortar till tis
as smooth as wax season it wth savory
spice & 2 anchovys yn wash ye inside of
ye skin wth ye batter of eggs & fill it
bast flower & bake it ye sauce may
be seasond gravy & put to it a regalia
of cowcumbers colliflowers & french beans

103. Oyster Loves
Cut a round hole in ye tops of 5 french
rouls & take out all ye crumbs & smear ym
over ye sides wth a tender forcd meat made
of set oysters part of an Eele pistastia
nuts mushrooms herbs anchovys
marrow spice ye yolks of 2 hard eggs
beat these together in a mortar wth
one raw egg yn fry ym crisp in lard
& fill ym wth a qt of oysters ye rest of ye
Eele cut like lard spice mushrooms

Anchovys tossd up in their liquor ½ a
pt of white wine thicken it wth eggs & a
bitt of butter rould up in flower

104. To Roul a breast of mutton
Bone ye mutton make a savory forcd
meat for it wash it over wth ye batter
of eggs yn spread ye forcd meat on it roul
it in an hard collar & bind it wth pack
thread & roast it put under it a regalia
of cowcumbers

105. Beef Alamode
Take a good buttock of beef interlarded
wth great lard rould up in savory spice
mincd sage parsley thyme & green onion
put it in a great saucepan & cover[ it]
close wth course past wn tis half don [turn]
it let it stand over ye fier on a stove
12 hours or in an oven this is fitt to
eat cold or if to be eaten hott
you may slice it out thin wn tis cold

And toss it up in a fine ragooe.

106. veal Alamode
Take a good fillet of veal interlarded
as ye beef ad to ye stewing of it a
little white wine wn tis cold you may
slice it out thin & toss it up in a ragoo
of mushrooms

107. A Poppetone
Take a good fillet of veal & mince
it small wth ye same quantity of beef
suet beat it wth an egg or 2 to bind it
season it wth savory spice make it in
to ye form of a thick round pye &
fill it thus lay in thin slices of bacon
squab pidgeons sliced sweetbreads
tops of asparragus mushrooms
yolks of hard eggs ye tender ends
of shiverd pallats & cocks combs
boyld blanchd & slicd

108. Sausages
Take pork more lean then fatt &[shred]
it yn take of ye flead of pork & minc[e]
it season each apart wth mincd sage [&]
pritty high wth savory spice yn clea[n]
yor small guts & fill ym mixing some
bitts of fatt between ye mincd meat
sprinkle a little wine with it & twill
fill ye better yn tye ym in links

109. Polonia Sausages
Take a piece of red gammon of bacon
& half boyle it mince it wth as much
bacon lard put to it mincd sage & pr[itty]
high wth savory spice yn clear yor small
guts & fill ym mixing some bitts of fatt
ye yolks of eggs & as much red wine as
will bring it to a pritty high thick [body]
mix ym wth yor hands & fill ym in large
skins hang ym in a chimney a while to

To Dress Fish

110. To Boyle a Codds head
Set a kettle on ye fier wth water vineger
& salt a faggot of sweetherbs & an onion
or 2 wn ye liquor boyls put in ye head
on a fish plate in ye boyling put in
cold water & vineger wn tis boyld drain
& spounge it for ye sauce take gravy
& clarret boyld up wth a faggot of sweet
herbs & an onion 2 or 3 anchovys
drawn up wth 2 pd of drawn butter ½
a pt of shrimps & ye meat of a lobster
shred fine in ye beat yn put in ye head
on a fish plate in ye boyling; in a
dish pour ye sauce thereon stick small
toasts on ye head lay on & about it
ye spaune milt & liver & garnish it wth
slicd lemon & barberries

111. To Butter Lobsters
Take out ye meat & put it in a saucepan

With a little seasond gravy & nutmeg
a little vineger & drawn butter fill ye
shells & set ye rest in plates

112. To Stew Carps
Take a brace of living carps knock ym
on ye head open ye bellies wash out ye
blood wth vineger & salt yn cut ym close
to ye tail to ye bone & wash ym clean
yn put ym in a broad saucepan & put
thereto a qt of clarret ½ a pt of white wine
½ a pt of vineger a pt of water a faggot of
sweetherbs a nutmeg slicd large mace 4
or 5 cloves 2 or 3 races of ginger whole
pepper & an anchovy cover ym close &
stew ym a quarter of an hour yn put to it
ye blood of ye carps & a ladle of drawn
butter; ½ a pt of shrimps & ye meat of a
lobster shred fine; lay about it ye
spaun milt & liver stick on ym toasts
& eat ye lear as broth or thicken it wth
brown butter

113. A Carp Larded wth Eele in a ragoo[e]

Take a live carp scale & slice him
from head to tail in 4 or 5 slices or ye
one side to ye bone yn take a good a good
silver Eele & cut it as for larding as
long and thick as yor little finger rould
in sweetherbs powdered bay leaves &
savory spice yn lard it thick on ye slashd
side fry it in a good pan of lard yn
make for it a ragooe wth gravy white
wine vineger clarret ye spaune mushrooms
capers grated nutmeg mace a little pepper
& salt thicken it wth brown butter &
garnish it wth slicd lemon

114. To Rost a Pike
Scale & slash a pike from head to
tail & lard it wth Eeles flesh rould in
spice & sweetherbs bast & bread it
roast it at length or turn his tail
into his mouth & bring it off in ye
oven let ye sauce be drawn butter
anchovys ye row & liver wth mushrooms
capers & oysters



115. To Pott Beef
Take a good buttock of beef or leg of
mutton piece cut into pieces & season
it wth savory spice an ounce of salt
peter ½ a pt of clarret yn having 3 or
4 pd of beef suet lay it between every
laying of beef tye a paper over it & let
lye all night yn bake it wth household
bread yn take it out & dry it in a cloth
cut it a cross ye grain very close & rub
it in yor hands like flower if it is not
seasond enough yn season it more yn [put]
to it ye fatt clear from ye gravy & mix it
together yn put it close in potts set it [in]
ye oven to setle wn cold cover it wth clarrifi[de]

116. To Pott Pidgeons
Yor pidgeons being truss & seasond wth
savory spice put ym in a pott cover ym

With butter & bake ym yn take ym out
& drain ym wn they are cold cover ym
wth clarrifide butter

You may pott fish ye same way
only bone ym wn they are bakd


117. To Collar Beef
Lay yor flank of beef in ham brine
8 or 10 days yn take it out & dry it in
a cloth cut it a cross ye grain very
lay it on a board take out all ye leather
and skin scotch it cross & cross & season
it wth savory spice 2 or 3 anchovys an
handfull or 2 of thyme parsely sweet
marjoram winter savory onions &
fennell strew it on ye meat & roul it
in an hard collar in a cloth sow it
close tye it at both ends & put it in
a collar pott wth a pt of clarrett &
cutchenele 2 qt s pump water &
bake it all night wn cold take it out of ye
cloth & keep it dry


118. To Collar veal
Bone a breast of veal wash & soak [it]
in 3 or 4 waters dry it in a cloth & season
it wth savory spice shred sweetherbs & shr[ed]
sweetherbs rashers of bacon dipt in
ye batter of eggs & roul it up in a collar
in a cloth & boyle it wth water and salt [wth]
½ a pt of vineger & whole spice scum [&]
clean wn tis boyld take it up & wn cold
keep it in this pickle

119. To Collar a Pigg
Slitt yor pigg down ye back take out ye
bones wash out ye blood in 3 or 4 waters
wipe it dry & season it wth savory spice
thyme parsley & salt roul it in an hard
collar in a cloth tye it close & put it [in]
a pott & boyle it in 3 pts of water an
handfull of salt a qt of vineger a
faggot of sweetherbs whole spice a p[enny]
worth of jceing glass wn they are ten[der]

Take ym off wn they are cold take it
out of ye clothe & keep it in this pickle

120. To Collar Eeles
Scower yor large silver Eele wth salt slitt
ym down ye back take out all ye bones
wash & dry ym season ym wth savory spice
mincd parsley thyme sage & an onion yn
roul it in an hard collar in a cloth
tye ym close & boyle ym in water & salt
wth ye heads & bones & ½ a pt of vineger
a faggot of sweetherbs ginger a penny
worth of jceing glass wn they are tender
take ym up tye ym close again strain
ye pickle and keep ye Eeles in it

121. To Collar Pork
Bone a breast of pork season it wth
savory spice & a good quantity of
thyme sage & parsley & a good quantity
roul it in an hard collar in a cloth
tye it close & boyle it wn tis cold keep
it in scoucing drink



Note: These pickling methods are considered unsafe by today’s standards. Many foods require high temperature high pressure sterilisation in order to kill all potentially harmful bacteria.

The practice of “Greening” pickles is extremely dangerous. It was considered that producing a bright green colour made for attractive pickles. “Bellmetal” is a mixture of copper and tin. When highly acidic mixtures come into contact with copper, then copper sulphate is produced. Copper sulphate gives a bright green colour, but is highly poisonous.

122. To Pickle Mellons or Large
Scope ym at one end & take out ye pulp
clean & fill ym wth scrapt horseradish
sliced garlick ginger nutmeg whole pepp[er]
& large mace yn take for ye pickle
The best white wine vineger an hand
full of salt a quarterd nutmeg whole
pepper cloves & mace & 2 or 3 racers
of ginger boyld together
And pour it to ye mellons boyl[ing]
hott and stow ym down close 2 days wn you
intend to green ym set ym over ye fier in
a bellmetall pott in their pickle
till they are scalding hott & green yn
pour ym into yor potts stow ym down close
wn they are cold cover ym wth a wett bladder & [leather?]

Thus Cover all other Pickles

123. To Pickle Gherkins
Put ym in a brine strong enough to bear
an egg yn drain ym & pour on ym ye same
pickle as ye mellons boyling hott
having some dill seeds in yor pott stow
ym down close 2 or 3 days yn green
ym in a bellmetall pott & cover ym close
as before

124. To Pickle French beans
Put ym a month in brine strong enough
to bear an egg yn drain ym from ye brine
& having a pickle as ye mellons pour
it to ym boylin hott & green ym ye same

125. To Pickle Walnuts
Scald ym & put ym in water & salt 9 or
10 days changing it every day yn take
ym out & rub ym in a course cloth
& pour on ym ye same pickle as ye
mellons boyling hott ading thereto
a little mustard seed

126. To Pickle Mushrooms
Take yor small hard buttons cut ye
dirt from ye bottoms of ye stalks w[ash]
ym wth water & salt & milk & rub ym wth
flannell yn put ym into another pan of
salt water & milk & rub ym till they a[re]
clean yn boyle salt water & milk wn
boyls thro’ in yor mushroom s & wn they
are boyld quick & white strain ym thro’
a cloth & throw ym into water & salt 2
or 3 days changing it twice a day yn take
ye pickle be half whitewine & half vine[ger]
wth slicd nutmeg ginger whole pepper
& cloves yn stop ym up in glasses

126. To Pickle Beetroot & turnip
Boyle yor beetroot in water & salt a pt of
vineger a little cutchenele wn they are
half boyled put in ye turnips being
peard wn they are boyled take ym off ye
fier & keep ym in this pickle.

127. To Pickle red Cabbatch
Slice ye cabbatch thin & put to it a
cold pickle of vineger & spice

128. To Pickle Flowers
Pickle ym in half white wine & half vineger
& sugar

129. To Pickle onions
Boyld yor small white onions in water
& salt strain & coole ym in a cloth yn let
ye pickle be vineger & spice cold

130. To Pickle Barberries
Pickle ym being pickt in fine branches
only in water & salt strong enough to bear an
131. To Pickle Smelts
Lay ym in a pan in rows lay on ym slicd
lemon ginger nutmeg mace a little
pepper & salt & bay leaves powderd
let ye pickle be red wine vineger
bruisd cuchenele & peter salt you
may eat ym as anchovys


132. To Pickle Oysters
Take a qt of large oysters in ye full [of]
ye moon perboyld in their own liquor
for ye pickle take ye liquor a pt of white
wine & vineger mace pepper & salt boy[le]
& scum it wn cold keep ym in this pickle

133. To Pickle Pidgeons
Boyle ym wth whole spice 3 pts of water
a pt of white wine & vineger wn boyld
take ym up & wn cold keep ym in this

134. To Pickle Tongues
Blanch ym being boyld in water & salt
& put ym in a pott or barrell & make
ye pickle of as much white wine vineg[er]
as will fill it boyld up wth savory spice
ginger nutmeg a faggot of sweetherbs
wn cold put in ye tongues wth slicd lemon
& cover it close

When you eat ym beat up some of
ye liquor wth good oil & garsh it wth slicd lemon

135. To Salt hams & Tongues
Take 3 or 4 gallons of water & put
to it 4 pd of white salt 4 pd of bay
salt a pd of peter salt a quarter of
a pd of salt peter 2 ounces of prun-
-nela salt & a pd of brown sugar let
it boyle a quarter of an hour scum
it well wn tis cold sever it from ye
bottome into ye vessel you keep it in

Let hams lye in this pickle 4
or 5 weeks
A clod of dutch beef as long
Tongues a fortnight
Collard beef 8 or 10 days

Dry ym in a ston or wood Chimney



136. Hart Horn Jelley
Put a ½ pd of harts horn into an Earth[en]
pan wth 2 qts of spring water cover it
close set it in ye oven all night yn strain
it in to a clean pipkin wth ½ a pt of rhen[ish]wine & ½ a pd of double refind sugar
ye juice of 2 or 3 lemons & 3 or 4 blades
of mace & ye whits of 4 or 5 eggs well
beat & mix it that it curdle not yn stir[r]
it well together on ye fier yn stirr it
let it stand over ye fier till it ari[seth]
wth a thick scum yn run it thro’ a napk[in]
& turn it up again till tis all clear

137. Calves foot Jelley
Boyle yor calves feet in water wth ye
meat cut off from ye bones season it
as ye harts horn jelley wn cold take
ye fatt from ye top & ye dross from ye bottome

138. Ribbon Jelley
Is made wth ye colourd jellies hearafter
mencond first run one of these colours
in a glass wn tis cold run another
as cold as you can & yn another & so all
ye rest

139. To Run Coulours
Have in yor severall small pipkins
strong jelley ready seasond have allso
severall muslain raggs tyed up close
one wth bruisd cutchenele another wth
saffron & another wth spinnage juice
put your baggs into yor severall pipkins
& as you would ye colours rise fine
ym wth ye whites of eggs & run ym thro’
severall baggs

140. Blamangoes
Put ½ a pd of harts horn into an Earthen
pipkin wth 2 qts of spring water yn
run ye jelley thro’ a napkin put to it
½ a pd of jordan almonds well beat

Mix wth it orange flower water a [pt ]
of milk or cream ye juice of 2 or 3
lemons & double refind sugar let it
simer over ye fier & take care least it
burn to run it thro’ a sive 2 or 3 times
put it in glasses & colour it if you please

141. A Whipt Sillabub
Take a pt of cream wth a spoonfull of
orange flower water 2 or 3 ounces of
fine sugar ye juice of a lemon ye white
of 3 eggs these wisk these up together
& having in yor glasses rhennish wine
& sugar & clarret & sugar lay on ye
froth wth a spoon heapt up as leight as
you can

142. A Sack Posset
Take 14 eggs leave out half ye whites
& beat ym wth a quarter of a pd of white
sugar orringoe root slicd very fine
thin wth a quarter of a pt of sack

Mix it well together set in on ye
fier & keep it stirring all one way
wn tis scalding hott let another whilst
you stirr it pour into it a qt of cream
boyling hott wth a grated nutmeg
boyld in it clap a hot pye plate
on it let it stand a quarter of an

143. Chocolate Cream
Take a pt of cream wth a spoonfull
of scrapt chocolate boyle ym well
together mix ym wth ye yolks of 2 eggs &
thicken & mill it on ye fier yn pour
it into yor chocolate cups

144. Lemon cream
Take ye juice of 2 or 3 lemons & boyle
some of ye piele in spring water yn take
ye same quantity of that water as
lemon juice put to it orange flower
water ½ a pd of double refind sugar
yn beat ye whites of 12 eggs & strain ym

Then mix ym together & keep it stirring
all one way over a charcole fier till ti[s]
pritty thick yn put it in glasses
Orange cream is made ye same way
only thickend wth yolks of eggs instead
of whites

145. Orange Butter
Take ye yolks of 5 hard eggs put to it
a pd of butter a little fine sugar wth
a spoonfull of orange flower water
work it thro’ a sive
Almond and pistastia butter is made ye
same way but let ym be blanchd & pounded

146. To Codle Codlings
Put yor fair codlings in a brass pan
wth water over a charcole fier till
tis scalding hott keep ym close coverd
wn they will skin yn skin ym & put ym
in again wth a little vineger & let ym lye
till they are green

147. To Bottle Goosberries
When they are full grown before
they turn fill ym into wide mouth
bottles cork ym close & set ym in a
slack oven till they are tender &
some crackt yn take ym out & pitch
ye corks

Thus you may keep Damsons
bulles pears plums or currants
only doe these wn they are ripe

PAGE 67 (not numbered in manuscript)

The Order
First Dishes
Bottom Dishes
Pottages of all sorts
A chine of veal or mutton
a dish of fish
a jaggot of mutton
beans & bacon
a neck of veal
a ham & chicken
pidgeons in surtout
pullets & oysters
puddings of sorts
boyled tongues & udders
roast beef: mincd pyes
a leg of veal bacon herbs
cold ham: slicd tongues
a colves head bacon herbs
a venison pasty
a calves head hashd
potted meats or fouls
a goose or turkey ala daub
cold lobster salmon
a leg of veal or mutton
or sturgeon
ala daub: a bisk of pidgeons
a haunch of venison
a forcd leg of veal boyld
a leg of mutton roasted
a powderd haunch of venison
oysters: lamb in [joynts]
a powderd leg of pork
a chine & turkey
a leg of mutton & turnips
roast tongues & udders
a piece of salt beef carrots
chickens & asparragus
pullets bacon & cabbatch
hens wth eggs
boyld fouls & marrowbons
a roast pike

PAGE 68 (not numbered in manuscript)

Side Dishes
For ye midle
Bombarded veal
of the Table
scotcht collops

a forcd leg of lamb

cutlets ala maintenoy
A Grand Sallad
cutlets forcd
of pickles
frigaseese white or brown
a hott or cold pye
a ragooe of any sort
tarts chees cakes
a tourt or tansie
puffs & custards
pease beans or french ^ beans
jellies creams
scollopt oysters
& blamangoes
ollives of veal
a dish of fruits
carp in a ragooe
a patty of lobsters
chickens ala cream
cold lobsters
a ponpetone

PAGE 69 (not numbered in manuscript)

Second Course
A dish of wild foul
A ponpetone
green geese or ducklings
oyster loves
roast chickens or pidgeons
tourts of marrow or cream
lamb in joynts
fryd fish
olives of veal
turkey pouts
patties of oysters
leverits partridges
crawfish prawns or
cocks or snips
fesants quails larks
fritters of aprecocks
batterd lobsters or crabs
oysters onion tansie
artichokes boyld
polonia sausages
asparragus & eggs
slicd tongues
scollopt oysters
solmon gundy
pitty patties
potting collaring
a tourt or tansie
or pickles of any sort
tarts cheescakes
marrow or spinnage ???
puffs & custards
veal puffs
a dish of pease
sweetbreads larded
a ragooe of mushrooms
& roasted
lobsters ragoode or roasted

PAGE 70 (not numbered in manuscript)

Forcd Meat balls - 1
All sorts of past - 4
Sweet pyes - 5
Savory pyes - 8
Cold pyes - 12
Fish pyes - 13
Pasties - 15
Florendines & puddings -16
Cakes - 22
Broths -24
Made dishes - 33
To dress fish - 48
Potting - 51
Collaring -52
Pickles - 55
Jellies - 61

PAGE 70 (not numbered in manuscript)

(Transcriber’s note: this page is written in a different hand from the rest of the manuscript. I have not yet been able to fathom the handwriting, but it appears to be part of a recipe for a pudding or cake)

6 ounces of flower ????? quart milk
6 or eight eggs ???? little ?????
???? ???? for butter


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Could the last three words read "gratin for bottom"?

Keith said...

Excellent, well done.

Unknown said...

So fantastic! Thank you!